Still Using @gmail @hotmail @yahoo Or Similar?

Wow. That is what I think whenever I see, email us at, Admit it, so do you too. There is no excuse why any business does not have a suitable personalised email address. They are low cost, easy to setup and professional. is just crappy. is infinitely better in every way.

So why do so many businesses still hang on to email addresses that give the impression they are a two bit business? Ah, customers have it! Well that is why they invented email forwarding or redirects.

The thing is, implementing a professional appropriate email address for your organisation means you can provide as many staff as you want with their own email and you ultimately remain in control. You can have shared inboxes, so an info@ or a sales@ email address that allows multiple people to work from and stop duplication.

A business email address in 2023 is basic. In fact it is such a fundamental part of operating a business I will give any organisation who wants their own professional email address for FREE. Email with your request and we will get it setup.

Take control of your online presence and this doesn’t mean your website or Facebook page. You get very few chances to impress, let’s take this quick win and make a difference.

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